About us
St. Paul's is a family. We share the same faith in Jesus for salvation and the same purpose to share him in the world. Though our numbers are small, we are vibrant and energetic to learn more about the Christian faith and grow together.
St. Paul's, Monroe is a member of the international confessional church body called the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). FInd them at wels.net. This church body starts and maintains missions all over the world. Quality Christian education is also important and WELS supports schools at every level: High School, College, and Seminary.
St. Paul's stands firmly on the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God as the sole authority for faith and life. From this one source we learn all we need to know about salvation through Jesus Christ for eternal life in heaven. We look to no other means to receive this eternal life than the full and free grace of God. This grace comes to us through the powerful Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The only way to take hold of this grace is by faith in Jesus as the Son of God, who became a man to provide a perfect and all-sufficient sacrifice on the cross. Though this happened almost 2,000 years ago, it has lasting significance, for all who believe this about Jesus will have the forgiveness of sins and life in heaven.
St. Paul's focuses all its efforts on Jesus Christ. Worship centers on Christ. Charity and community work center on Christ. Fellowship and personal growth all focus on Christ.
We invite you to learn more about these and other truths we believe, teach, and confess. Come and join us for worship. Or reach out to our pastor at any time.