Bible Groups
We offer several bible groups and study sessions to meet needs of most individuals.

Sunday Morning Bible Study
A lay led adult bible study class for high school age through adults focusing on various subjects ranging from our current review of Luther's small catechism to historic lessons on the foundations of the church in Martin Luther's life utilizing the PBS movie Martin Luther: The Idea that changed the world.
We meet at 9:30 A.M. on Sunday mornings before our 10:30 worship service.
Sunday School
Our early level Sunday School class is led by Miss Scout and serves Kindergarten aged children through fourth grade. Mr. Dart teaches our "pre-catechism" class for fifth through eighth grade children. Lessons are bible based and the younger students will have a related activity to complement their lesson.
Our combined classes join together to learn and perform songs as our junior choir several times per year.
All Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 A.M. prior to our worship service.
Thursday Morning Bible study
Thursday morning bible study meets every week at 10:00 A.M. in our church fellowship hall. This is a verse by verse bible study which allows for plenty of time to review material and ask related questions about readings. On the third Thursday of the month, we meet at Panera Bread on Telegraph Rd. in Monroe, Mi. Don't forget your bibles!